Defibrillator and CPR awareness

April 19, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Alice Cross Centre
1-3 Bitton Park Road
Peta Howell

The session is being run by Jay’s Aim – A charity dedication to raising awareness of undiagnosed heart conditions in South-West England.

Unfortunately, we can’t predict when someone is going to have a sudden cardiac arrest or choose who is going to be with them when it happens. However, Jay’s Aim try to educate as many people as possible about what to do in an emergency; with this in mind, Jay’s Aim provides free-to-attend CPR and defibrillator training throughout South-West England.

The training sessions are designed to be fun, combining a hands-on, interactive approach with up-to-the minute technology.

Thanks to an amazing fundraising effort by Shirley Brockenhurst from Teign Heartbeat, we are lucky enough to have our own Defibrillator machine here at the Alice Cross.  We believe that everyone who comes to the centre should be able to use it, with confidence.

The session starts at 2pm on Friday the 19th of April.  Please arrive in time to start at 2pm.

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